In 2023, the landscape of search engine optimization (SEO) will be vastly different than it is today. With the advent of new technologies and changes in consumer behavior

To stay ahead of the curve, businesses need to start preparing now for the next generation of SEO. Here are five predictions for what SEO will look like in 2023:

1. Search engines will be more personalized. Today, search engines deliver results based on a user’s location and other factors such as their browsing history. 

In 2023, however, search engines will be much more personalized, delivering result. that are tailored specifically to each individual user.

2. Voice search will be the norm. With the popularity of voice-activated assistants like Amazon Echo and Google Home, it’s no surprise that voice search is on the rise.

In fact, comScore predicts that 50% of all searches will be voice searches by 2020. And by 2023, this number is only going to increase.

3. Augmented reality will change the way we search for information. AR, which superimposes digital information onto our view of the real world, is already being used in some capacity by 

by a few major tech companies like Microsoft and Google. And as AR technology continues to develop, it’s likely that we’ll see it used more and more for searching for information online. 

For example, instead of typing out a query or speaking it aloud, you might simply point your AR device at an object and ask for information about it. 

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